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Four Tips for Moving with Pets

Moving is always a daunting task that can cause plenty of stress. However, your nerves and anxiety aren’t all you should keep in mind. If you’re moving with pets, there’s a big chance that they are experiencing these same emotions with you. To ensure the move goes smoothly for both you and your pet, plan by following these 4 tips.

Tip 1: Avoid Including Your Pet in the Hustle and Bustle of Moving

With boxes lying about and your home deconstructed, your pet will likely experience anxiety. In addition to the unfamiliar place, the noise of moving, doors slamming, dishes clinking, the sound is another major stressor for pets in this type of situation. To keep your furry roommate from experiencing this, we recommend removing them from the situation. Whether this means keeping them with a family member or placing them in an area of the home that is quiet with no disturbances, your pet will certainly appreciate it. Don’t forget to make sure they are as comfortable as possible with plenty of water, their favorite toy, and a comfy spot to chill.

Tip #2: Have Your Pets Necessities Ready

Once you’ve arrived at the new place, you will have plenty of unpacking to do. To ensure your pet is comfortable during these few hours, days, or even weeks (we know how unpacking can go…), make sure they have everything they need. Much like their private oasis during the move, once officially in their new home, they should have their food and water, toys, beds and blankets with familiar smells and anything else he or she uses daily. This will help keep your pet feeling happy and a little more at home.

Tip #3: Watch Your Pet Closely to See How They Adjust

In addition to making sure their spot is ready, it’s important to watch your pet to make sure they are adjusting well. New areas come with new smells, new sounds, and even new faces (don’t forget to say hi to the neighbors). This can be quite intimidating to animals and make them feel uneasy. And, in some instances, this may cause them to try to find their way back home. So, keep a close eye on your pet during the early stages of the move.

Tip #4: Consult with a Vet if Needed

In addition to giving the vet your address, consult with them for recommendations regarding your pet and a move. The veterinarian is familiar with your animal and its personality and can provide pointers to avoid added stress. If you’ve already moved and your pet’s signs of anxiety worsen, they may even need medication. Contacting your vet will be the first step to your pet’s comfort.

Did you know?

Pet adoption is quite similar to moving. After adopting a pet, we recommend giving them time to adjust to their new surroundings and family. Once adjusted, you’ve got a life companion. Stop in today to start the process of bringing home your very own furry friend.



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